It’s finally here! Click on the cover image (below) to open the PDF of the journal.
The theme of the inaugural journal is “African Christian Theology: Retrospect and Prospect.” Contributors include Jesse Mugambi, Jehu Hanciles, and Mercy Amba Oduyoye (among others). The editorial was written by me (Joshua) and Martin Munyao. It is published in English, in French, and in Portuguese. There are seven articles in English and one in French; each of them has a trilingual abstract in each of those three languages. There are seven essay-length book reviews and four ‘book note’ short reviews. Not counting the introductory pages up through the table of contents, the body of the journal is 207 pages.
The managing editors are myself, Wanjiru M. Gitau, Martin Munyao, and Tom Joel Obengo. The regional editors are Ezekiel A. Ajibade, Chammah J. Kaunda, Fohle Lygunda Li-M, and Marilyn Naidoo. The members of the editorial board are listed inside. Tolle lege!