When we returned, we apparently brought the rains. Our yard — dry & dusty & brown when we arrived — looks like a rain forest, with the lilies and birds-of-paradise in bloom.

Our children seem to have missed our truck. Also they always love to climb.

We were glad to host the Sapps, from our supporting congregation Crossroads Christian Church, a few weeks after we returned home.

We took our guests to visit with a number of Maasai church leaders. Here Evarlyne enole Ololchoki, who leads the Women’s Ministry, and Ruth catch up, at Evarlyne’s home in Ositima, not far from Ntulele.

Here is the whole group. Zerachiah apparently picked up lion cub in the Maasai Mara. Hopefully this will not bring us any problems with the National Wildlife Service!

And here are the lovely Barronesses.

photo credits: Rebecca Sapp (Thank you!)