African Christianity:
Contemporary Christianity, Theology, Missiology, Hermeneutics
(I’ll keep this updated as I acquire additional texts.)
Adogame, Afe. The African Christian Diaspora: New Currents and Emerging Trends in World Christianity. Bloomsbury, 2013.
Agang, Sunday Bobai with Dion A. Forster and H. Jurgens Hendriks, eds. African Public Theology. HippoBooks, 2020.
Akinade, Akintude E., ed. A New Day: Essays on World Christianity in Honor of Lamin Sanneh. Forward by Andrew F. Walls. Peter Lang, 2010.
In addition to being edited by an African theologian / historian of Christianity, these chapters are specific to African Christianity:
• 6. Kevin Ward, “Christianity, Revival and the Rwandan Genocide,” 103-119.
• 7. Philomena Njeri Mwaura, “A Spirituality of Resistance and Hope: African Instituted Churches’ Response to Poverty,” 120-134.
• 8. Gay L. Byron, “Redrawing the Boundaries of Early Christianity: The Case of the Axumite Empire and its Sources,” 135-141.
• 9. J. Kwabena Asamoah-Gyadu, “‘Touch Not the Lord’s Anointed’: Leadership in Ghana’s New Charismatic Communities,” 142-157.
• 10. Elias K. Bongmba, “Visions and Dreams in an African Initiated Church,” 158-176.
• 11. Deidre Helen Crumbley, “On Both Sides of the Atlantic: Independent Church Movements (ICMs) in Africa and the African Diaspora,” 177-205.
• 15. Yushau Sodiq, “Muslims and Christians in Yorubaland: Unavoidable Neighbors,” 269-287.
An, Keon-Sang. An Ethiopian Reading of the Bible: Biblical Interpretation of the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahido Church. Forward by William A. Dyrness. Preface by Joel B. Green. American Society of Missiology Monograph Series 25. Pickwick Publications, 2015.
Azumah, John and Lamin Sanneh, eds. The African Christian and Islam. Langham Monographs, 2013.
Bediako, Gillian Mary, Benhardt Y. Quarshie, and J. Kwabena Asamoah-Gyadu, eds. Seeing New Facets of the Diamond: Christianity as a Universal Faith – Essays in Honour of Kwame Bediako. Regnum Studies in Global Christianity. Regnum, 2014.
Bediako, Kwame. Christianity in Africa: The Renewal of a Non-Western Religion. Edinburgh University Press, 1995.
Bediako, Kwame. Jesus and the Gospel in Africa: The History and Experience. Theology in Africa. Orbis / Regnum Africa, 2004
Bediako, Kwame. Theology and Identity: The impact of culture upon Christian thought in the second century and modern Africa. Regnum Studies in Mission. Regnum, 1992.
Bujo, Bénézet, ed. African Theology in the 21st Century: The Contribution of the Pioneers. Vol. 3. Trans. Silvano Borruso. Nairobi: Paulines Publications Africa, 2013.
(NB: Translated from the French Théologie africaine au XXIe siècle — Quelques figures, vol. 3, Editions Universitaires Fribourg Suisse, 20012).
Bujo, Bénézet. The Ethical Dimension of Community: The African Model and the Dialogue between North and South. Trans. Cecilia Namulondo Nganda. Revised by John Baur and Michel Istas. Nairobi: Paulines Publications Africa, 1998.
(NB: Translated from the German Die ethische Dimension der Gemeinschaft: das airikanische Modell im Nord-Süd Dialog, Universitätsverlag Freiburg Schweiz Paulusdrukerei Freiburg Schweiz, 1993.)
Bujo, Bénézet and Juvénal Ilunga Muya, eds. African Theology in the 21st Century: The Contribution of the Pioneers. Vol. 1. Trans. Silvano Borruso. Nairobi: Paulines Publications Africa, 2003.
(NB: Translated from the French Théologie africaine au XXIe siècle — Quelques figures, vol. 1, Editions Universitaires Fribourg Suisse, 2003).
Bujo, Bénézet and Juvénal Ilunga Muya, eds. African Theology in the 21st Century: The Contribution of the Pioneers. Vol. 2. Trans. Silvano Borruso. Nairobi: Paulines Publications Africa, 2005.
(NB: Translated from the French Théologie africaine au XXIe siècle — Quelques figures, vol. 2, Editions Universitaires Fribourg Suisse, 2005).
Bongmba, Elias Kifon. The Routledge Companion to Christianity in Africa. Routledge, 2016.
Bottignole, Silvana. Kikuyu Traditional Culture and Christianity. Nairobi: Heinemann, 1984.
Bridges, R. C., ed. An African Miscellany for John Hargeaves. University of Aberdeen African Studies Group, 1983.
chapter includes:
• Andrew F. Walls, “Such Boastings as the Gentiles Use: Thoughts on Imperialist Religion,” 109-116.
Budge, E. A. Wallis, trans. The Kebra Nagast. Global Grey, 2013.
(NB: The Kebra Nagast, or “The Glory of Kings” in Ge’ez, is the Ethiopian national epic and an important text for Ethiopian Coptic Orthodoxy.)
Carmody, Brendan, ed. Religious Conversion: An African Perspective. Gadsden Publishers, 2015.
Dickson, Kwesi A. Theology in Africa. Orbis Books, 1984.
Dickson, Kwesi A. Uncompleted Mission: Christianity and Exclusivism. Christianity and Culture. Orbis Books, 1991.
Dickson, Kwesi A. and Paul Ellingworth, eds. Biblical Revelation and African Beliefs. Lutterworth Press, 1969.
Dinkelaker, Bernhard. How Is Jesus Christ Lord? Reading Kwame Bediako from a Postcolonial and Intercontextual Perspective. African Theological Studies / Etudes Théologiques Africaines 14. Peter Lang, 2017.
Dube, Musa W. Other Ways of Reading: African Women and the Bible. WCC, 2001.
Éla, Jean-Marc. My Faith as an African. Trans. Johan Painnan Brown and Susan Perry. Forward by Simon E. Smith. Orbis Books, 1988 / Wipf & Stock, 2009.
Elness-Hanson, Beth E. Generational Curses in the Pentateuch: An American and Maasai Intercultural Analysis. Bible & Theology in Africa 24. Ed. Knut Holter. Peter Lang, 2017.
Erlich, Haggai. Islam & Christianity in the Horn of Africa: Somalia, Ethiopia, Sudan. Lynne Rienner Publishers, 2010.
Esler, Phillip F. Ethiopian Christianity: History, Theology, Practice. Baylor University Press, 2019.
Essamuah, Casely B. and David K. Ngaruiya, eds. Communities of Faith in Africa and the African Diaspora: In Honor of Dr. Tite Tiénou with Additional Essays on World Christianity. Pickwick Publications, 2013.
Ezigbo, Victor I. Re-imagining African Christologies: Conversing with the Interpretations and Appropriations of Jesus Christ in African Christianity. Forward by Andrew F. Walls. Princeton Theological Monograph Series 132. Pickwick Publications, 2010.
Fasholé-Luke, Edward, Richard Gray, Adrian Hastings, and Godwin Tasie, eds. Christianity in Independent Africa. Rex Collings, 1978.
Fiedler, Klaus. Conflicted Power in Malawian Christianity: Essays Missionary and Evangelical from Malawi. Mzuni Press / African Books Collective, 2015.
Fiedler, Klaus. Interdenominational Faith Missions in Africa: History and Ecclesiology. Mzuni Books 34. Mzuni Press / African Books Collective, 2018.
Fiedler, NyaGondwe. A History of the Circle of Concerned African Women Theologians 1989-2007. Muzuni Books 30. Muzuni Press / African Books Collective, 2017.
Galgalo, Joseph D. African Christianity: The Stranger Within. Zaph Chancery / African Books Collective, 2012.
Gibellini, Rosino, ed. Paths of African Theology. Orbis Books, 1994.
chapters include:
·—· Rosino Gibellini, “Introduction: African theologians wonder, and make some proposals”
·—· A. Ngindu Mushete, “Overview of African theology”
·—· John Mbiti, “Bible in African culture”
·—· Justin S. Ukpong, “Christology and inculturation: a New Testament perspective”
·—· Charles Nyamiti, “Contemporary African Christologies : assessment and practical suggestions”
·—· Francois Kabasele Lumbala, “Africans celebrate Jesus Christ”
·—· Elochukwu E. Uzukwu, “Inculturation and the liturgy (Eucharist)”
·—· Patrick A. Kalilombe, “Spirituality in the African perspective”
·—· Jean-Marc Ela, “Christianity and liberation in Africa”
·—· Engelbert Mveng, “Impoverishment and liberation: a theological approach for Africa and the Third World”
·—· Mercy Amba Oduyoye, “Feminist theology in an African perspective”
·—· Simon S. Maimela, “Black theology of liberation”
·—· “Selected bibliography of African theology”
Gifford, Paul. African Christianity: Its Public Role. Indiana University Press, 1998.
Gifford, Paul. Christianity, Development and Modernity in Africa. Oxford University Press, 2016.
Gifford, Paul. Ghana’s New Christianity: Pentecostalism in a Globalizing African Economy. Indiana University Press, 2004.
Gillam, Stephen J. God Loves Africa: A Christian Perspective on God’s Involvement with Africa through the Ages. Fountain Publishers, 2010.
Gitau, Wanjiru M. Megachurch Christianity Reconsidered: Millennials and Social Change in African Perspective. Forward by Mark R. Shaw. Missiological Engagements. IVP Academic, 2018.
(This received Christianity Today’s 2019 Book of the Year Award, for the Missions/Global Church category. I actually have both a paper and a digital copy.)
Glasswell, Mark E. and Edward W. Fasholé-Luke, eds. New Testament Christianity for Africa and the World: Essays in Honour of Harry Sawyerr. SPKC, 1974.
Hanciles, Jehu J. Beyond Christendom: Globalization, African Migration, and the Transformation of the West. Orbis, 2008.
Hanciles, Jehu J. Migration and the Making of Global Christianity. Eerdmans, 2021.
Hastings, Adrian. African Christianity. Seabury Press, 1977.
Habarurema, Viateur. Christian Generosity according to 2 Corinthians 8–9: Its Exegesis, Reception, and Interpretation Today in Dialogue with the Prosperity Gospel in Sub-Saharan Africa. Langham Monographs, 2017.
Healey, Joseph and Donald Sybertz. African Narrative Theology. Faith and Culture Series. Orbis Books, 1996.
Hillman, Eugene. Polygamy Reconsidered: African Plural Marriage and the Christian Churches. Orbis, 1975.
Hillman, Eugene. Toward An African Christianity: Inculturation Applied. Paulist Press, 1993.
Hodgson, Dorothy L. The Church of Women: Gendered Encounters between Maasai and Missionaries. Indiana University Press, 2005.
Holter, Knut and Lemburis Justo, eds. Maasai Encounters with the Bible. Nairobi, Kenya: Acton Publishers, 2020.
contributors: J. [Jesse] N. K. Mugambi, Knut Holter, Hoyce Jacob Lyimo-Mbowe, Zephania Shila Nkesela, Suzana Sitayo, Gerrie Snyman, Lemburis Justo, and Beth E. Elness-Hanson
Inculturation in the South African Context. The African Church: Inculturation 1/14. Nairobi: Paulines Publications Africa, 2000.
contributors: Patrick Ryan, G. M. Tlaba, Butu Tlhagale, Dabula Mpako, Madipoane Masenya, J. Z. Skhahkane, Steven Aganda, B. Hlatshwayo, Jerome Skhakhane, Pius Dlungwana, and Allan Anderson.
Isichei, Elizabeth. The Religious Traditions of Africa: A History. Greenwood, 2004.
Kalu, Ogbu U., ed. African Christianity: An African Story. Africa World Press, 2007.
Kalu, Ogbu U. Power, Poverty and Prayer: The Challenges of Poverty and Pluralism in African Christianity, 1960-1996. Africa World Press, 2006. Previously published as: Power, Poverty and Prayer: The Challenges of Poverty and Pluralism in African Christianity, 1960-1996. Studien zur interkulturellen Geschichte des Christentums / Etudes d’histoire interculturelle du christianisme / Studies in the Intercultural History of Christianity. Peter Lang, 2000.
Kanyoro, Musimbi R. A. Introducing Feminist Cultural Hermeneutics: An African Perspective. Introductions in feminist theology. Pilgrim Press, 2002.
Katongole, Emmanuel. Born from Lament: The Theology and Politics of Hope in Africa. Eerdmans, 2017.
King, Roberta, ed. Music in the Life of the African Church. Baylor University Press, 2008.
Kollman, Paul and Cynthia Toms Smedley. Understanding World Christianity: Eastern Africa. Fortress Press, 2018.
Koschorke, Klaus with Jens Holger Schjørring, eds. African Identities and World Christianity in the Twentieth Century: Proceedings of the Third International Munich-Freising Conference on the History of Christianity in the Non-Western World (September 15–17, 2004). Studies in the History of Christianity in the Non-Western World 10. Harrassowitz Verlag, 2005.
chapters include:
• 1: Kalu, Ogbu U. “A Trail of Ferment in African Christianity: Ethiopianism, Prophetism, Pentecostalism,” 19-40.
• 2: Ward, Kevin. “African identities in the historic ‘Mainline Churches’: A case study of the negotiation of local and global within African Anglicanism,” 50-62.
• 3: Anderson, Allan. “African Independent Churches and Global Pentecostalism: Historical Connections and Common Identities,” 63-76.
• 10: Stanley, Brian. “Africa through European Christian Eyes: The World Missionary Conference, Edinburgh 1910,” 165-180.
• 14: Adogame, Afe. “African Instituted Churches in Europe: Continuity and Transformation,” 225-244.
Kawamba, Brighton. The Blantyre Spiritual Awakening and its Music. Luviri Books 10. Luviri Press / African Books Collective, 2018.
Kiel, Christel. Maasai Diviners and Christianity: An Investigation of Three Different Clans of IlÓibonok in Tanzania and the Attitude of the Lutheran Church towards Them. Mission und Gregenwart — Mission Past and Present 11. Rüdiger Köppe Verlag, 2015.
Kunhiyop, Samuel Waje. African Christian Ethics. HippoBooks, 2018.
Kunhiyop, Samuel Waje. African Christian Theology. HippoBooks, 2019.
Kwiyani, Harvey. Multicultural Kingdom: Ethnic Diversity, Mission and the Church. SCM Press, 2020.
Lauterbach, Karen and Mika Vähäkangas, eds. Faith in African Lived Christianity: Bridging Anthropological and Theological Perspectives. Global Pentecostal and Charismatic Studies 35. Brill, 2019.
Larom, Margaret S., ed. Claiming the Promise: African Churches Speak. Friendship Press, 1994.
Lekundayo, Godwin. The Cosmic Christ: Towards Effective Mission Among the Maasai. Regnum Studies in Mission. Regnum / Wipf & Stock, 2013.
Lowery, Stephanie A. Identity and Ecclesiology: Their Relationship among Select African Theologians. Forward by Daniel J. Treier. Wipf & Stock / Pickwick Publications, 2017.
Ludwig, Freider and Kwabena Asamoah-Gyadu, eds. The African Christian Presence in the West: New Immigrant Congregations and Transnational Networks in North America and Europe. Word Press, 2010.
chapters include:
• Walls, Andrew F. “Towards a Theology of Migration,” 314-22.
[NB: 2009 PhD dissertation.]
Lygunda li-M, Fohle. Transforming Missiology: An Alternative Approach to Missiological Education. Langham Mongraphs, 2018.
Lyimo-Mbowe, Hoyce Jacob. Maasai Women and the Old Testament: Towards an Emancipatory Reading. Bible and Theology in Africa 29. Ed. Knut Holter. Peter Lang, 2020.
Magesa, Laurenti. African Religion: The Moral Traditions of Abundant Life. Nairobi: Paulines Publications Africa, 1998.
(NB: First published by Orbis Books, 1997.)
Magesa, Laurenti. What Is Not Sacred? African Spirituality. Forward by Bénézet Bujo. Orbis Books, 2013.
Manus, Ukachukwu Chris. Intercultural Hermeneutics in Africa: Methods and Approaches. Acton Publishers, 2003.
Maxwell, David and Ingrid Lawrie, eds. Christianity and the African Imagination: Essays in Honour of Adrian Hastings. Studies of Religion in Africa. Brill, 2002.
(hardback; paperback edition published in 2013)
chapters include:
• 1. Richard Gray, “A Kongo Princess, the Kongo Ambassadors and the Papacy,” 25-40.
• 2. Andrew F. Walls, “Africa as the Theatre of Christian Engagement with Islam in the Nineteenth Century,” 41-62.
• 6. John Lonsdale, “Kikuyu Christianities: A History of Intimate Diversity,” 157-198.
other notable contributors include: John Mary Waliggo, Terence Ranger, J. D. Y. Peel, Kevin Ward, et al.
Mbiti, John S. [Samuel]. Concepts of God in Africa. 2nd edition. Nairobi, Kenya: Acton Publishers, 2012.
Mburu, Elizabeth. African Hermeneutics. HippoBooks / Langham Publishing / ACTS, 2019.
Mgojo, Khoza and George Irvine. Let the Flame Burn: A Mission Handbook for Methodists in Southern Africa. Methodist Publishing House, 2001.
Michael, Matthew. Christian Theology and African Traditions: A contribution to the engagement between Christianity and non-Western cultures, bringing Christian theology into dialogue with African traditions. UK edition: James Clarke, 2013 / US edition: Resource Publications, 2013.
Mtaita, Leonard A. The Wandering Shepherds and the Good Shepherd: Contextualization as the Way of Doing Mission with the Maasai in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania, Pare Diocese. Makumira Publications 11. Erlanger Verlag fur Mission und Okumene, 1998.
Mugambi, J. N. K. and Johannes A. Smit, eds. Text and Context in New Testament Hermeneutics. Acton Publishers, 2004.
Neckebrouck, V. [Valeer]. Le Maasai et le christianism: Le temps du grand refus. Peeters, 2002.
Neckebrouck, Valeer. Resistant Peoples: The Case of the Pastoral Maasai of East Africa. Inculturation: Working Papers on Living Faith and Cultures 14. Editrice Potificia Universita Gregoriana, 1993.
Nel, Marius J., Dion A. Forster, and Christo H. Thesnaar, eds. Reconciliation, Forgiveness and Violence in Africa: Biblical, Pastoral and Ethical Perspectives. Beyers Naudé Centre Series on Public Theology. Cape Town, South Africa: Sun Press, 2020.
Nkesela, Zephania Shila. A Maasai Encounter with the Bible: Nomadic Lifestyle as a Hermeneutic Question. Bible and Theology in Africa 30. Ed. Knut Holter. Peter Lang, 2020.
Noll, Mark A. and Carolyn Nystrom. Clouds of Witnesses: Christian Voices from Africa and Asia. IVP, 2011.
Nthamburi, Zablon, ed. From Mission to Church: A Handbook of Chritianity in East Africa. Nairobi: Uzima Press / Association of Theological Institutions in Eastern Africa, 1991.
Oborji, Francis Anekwe. Towards African Missiology: Issues of New Language for African Christianity. Collection of Essays 1. Edited by Ikenna Okagbue and Kenneth Nnaemeka Ameke. Xlibris US, 2020.
Odozor, Paulinus Ikechukwu. Morality Truly Christian, Truly African: Foundational, Methodological, and Theological Considerations. University of Notre Dame Press, 2014.
Oduyoye, Mercy Amba. Beads and Strands: Reflections of an African Woman on Christianity in Africa. Orbis Books / Regnum Africa, 2004.
Oduyoye, Mercy Amba. Daughters of Anowa: African Women & Patriarchy. Orbis Books, 1995.
Oduyoye, Mercy Amba. Hearing and Knowing: Theological Reflections on Christianity in Africa. Orbis Books, 1986.
Oladipo, Caleb Oluremi. The Development of the Doctrine of the Holy Spirit in the Yoruba (African) Indigenous Christian Movement. American University Studies, Series VII, Theology and Religion, vol. 185. Peter Lang, 1996.
Olowola, Cornelius. African Traditional Religion and the Christian Faith. Theological Perspectives in Africa. African Christian Press, 1993.
Ott, Martin. African Theology in Images. Rev. ed. Kachere Mongraphs 12. Zomba, Malawi: Kachere Series, 2007.
Owojaiye, Babatomiwa M. Evangelical Response to the Coronavirus Lockdown (Insights from the Evangelical Church Winning All). Westbow Press, 2020.
Park, Sung Kyu. Christian Spirituality in Africa: Biblical, Historical, and Cultural Perspectives from Kenya. African Christian Studies Series 3. Pickwick Publications, 2013.
Parratt, John. A Reader in African Christian Theology. 2nd ed. SPCK, 1997.
Parratt, John. Reinventing Christianity: African Theology Today. Eerdmans / Africa World Press, 1995.
Phiri, Isabel Apawo and Dietrich Werner, eds. Handbook of Theological Education in Africa. Regnum Studies in Global Christianity. Oxford: Regnum, 2013.
Phiri, Isabel Apawo and Dietrich Werner, Chammah Kaunda and Kennedy Owino, eds. Anthology of African Christianity. Regnum Studies in Global Christianity. Oxford: Regnum, 2016.
Pobee, John Samuel. Giving Account of Faith and Hope in Africa. Wipf & Stock, 2017.
Pobee, John S. [Samuel], ed. Religion in a Pluralistic Society: Essays Presented to Professor C. G. Baëta in Celebration of his Retirement from the Service of the University of Ghana September 1971 by Friends and Colleagues Scattered over the Globe. E. J. Brill, 1976.
Pobee, J. [John] S. [Samuel]. Skenosis: Christian Faith in an African Context. Mambo Occasional Papers. Gweru, Zimbabwe: Mambo Press, 1992.
Priest, Doug, Jr. Doing Theology with the Maasai. William Carey Library, 1990.
Randall, Max Ward. We Would Do It Again. Missions Services Press, 1965.
(A Church of Christ Mission [South Africa] missions biography.)
Rio, Knut, Michelle MacCarthy, and Ruy Blanes, ed. Pentecostalism and Witchcraft: Spiritual Warfare in Africa and Melanesia. Contemporary Anthropology of Religion. Palgrave Macmillan, 2017.
de la Roncière, Bénédite. An African Gospel. Paulist Press, 2020.
Ross, Andrew C. Blantyre Mission and the Making of Modern Malawi. Luviri Reprints 2. Luviri Press / African Books Collective, 2018.
Ross, Kenneth R. Gospel Ferment in Malawi: Theological Essays. Luviri Press Reprints 6. Luviri Press / African Books Collective, 2018.
Ross, Kenneth R., J. Kwabena Asamoah-Gyadu, and Todd M. Johnson. Christianity in Sub-Saharan Africa. Edinburgh Companions to Global Christianity. Edinburgh University Press, 2017.
Ross, Kenneth R., Mariz Tadros, and Todd M. Johnson, eds. Christianity in North Africa and West Asia. Edinburgh Companions to Global Christianity. Edinburgh University Press, 2018.
Sandgren, David P. Christianity and the Kikuyu: Religious Divisions and Social Conflict. Peter Lang, 2000.
Sanneh, Lamin. Disciples of All Nations: Pillars of World Christianity. Oxford University Press, 2008.
[Note: In some ways, this text, along with his Translating the Message (see below), belongs primarily on my missions/missiology/history of missions bibliography. But Lamin Sanneh, from The Gambia, was not only a preeminent African Christian theologian, but simply a preeminent theologian world-wide. Also, there are sections and chapters of each of these texts specific to the stories of African Christianity.]
Sanneh, Lamin. Summoned from the Margin: Homecoming of an African. Forward by Kelefa Sanneh. Eerdmans, 2012.
Sanneh, Lamin. Translating the Message: The Missionary Impact on Culture. The American Society of Missiology Series 13. Orbis, 1989.
Sanneh, Lamin. Translating the Message: The Missionary Impact on Culture. 2nd ed., revised and expanded. American Missiology Society 13. Orbis Books, 2009.
(I have just received a copy of this twentieth anniversary revised edition, and look forward to reading it!)
Sanneh, Lamin. West African Christianity: The Religious Impact. Orbis, 1983.
Sanneh, Lamin. Whose Religion Is Christianity? The Gospel beyond the West. Eerdmans, 2003.
Sanneh, Lamin. “The Yogi and the Commissar: Christian Missions and the New World Order in Africa.” Chapter 8 in World Order and Religion, 173-192. Ed. Wade Clark Roof. SUNY Series in Religion, Culture, and Society. State University of New York Press, 1991.
Sawyerr, Harry. Creative Evangelism: towards a new Christian encounter with Africa. Lutterworth, 1968.
Schreiter, Robert J., ed. Faces of Jesus in Africa. Faith and Cultures Series. Orbis Books, 1980, 2005.
Schroeder, Caroline T. Monastic Bodies: Discipline and Salvation in Shenoute of Atripe. University of Pennsylvania Press, 2011.
Sesi, Stephen Mutuku, Henry Mutua, Alemayehu Mekonnen, Steven Rasmussen, Mark Shaw, Josephine Mutuku Sesi and Caleb Chul-Soo Kim. African Missiology: Contribution of Contemporary Thought. Uzima Publishing House, 2009.
Shorter, Aylward. Prayer in the Religious Traditions of Africa. Oxford University Press, 1976.
Spear, Thomas and Isaria N. Kimambo, eds. East African Expressions of Christianity. Eastern African Studies. James Currey / Mkuki na Nyota / EAEP / Ohio University Press, 1999.
Stinton, Diane B., ed. Jesus of Africa: Voices of Contemporary African Christology. Faith and Cultures Series. Orbis Books, 2004.
Strang, Fred Foy. Maasai Life and Christian Practice: A Photographic Portfolio. Eden Green, 2010.
Stone, J. C., ed. Experts in Africa: Proceedings of a Colloquium at the University of Aberdeen. Aberdeen: University of Aberdeen African Studies Group, 1980.
chapters include:
• Andrew F. Walls, “Ruminations on Rainmaking: The Transmission and Receipt of Religious Expertise in Africa,” 146-151.
Taber, Charles R., ed. Church in Africa: Papers Presented at a Symposium at Milligan College, March 31-April 3, 1977. William Carey Library, 1977.
Torres, Sergio, ed. The emergent Gospel: Theology from the underside of history: papers from the Ecumenical Dialogue of Third World Theologians, Dar es Salaam, August 5-12, 1976. Orbis Books, 1978.
Vähäkangas, Mika. Between Ghambageu and Jesus: The Encounter between the Sonjo Traditional Leaders and Missionary Christianity. Studia Missiologica et Oecumenica Fennica 61. (Helsinki, Finland: Luther-Agricola-Society, 2008.
Voshaar, Jan [M. H.]. Maasai: Between the Oreteti-tree and the Tree of the Cross. Ker ken Theologie in Context / Church and Theology in Context. Kok, 1998.
Walls, Andrew F. The Cross-Cultural Process in Christian History. Orbis / T & T Clark, 2002.
[Note: Several chapters are specific to the stories of African Christianity. My paper copy is signed by Andrew Walls.]
Walls, Andrew F. Crossing Cultural Frontiers: Studies in the History of World Christianity. Ed. Mark R. Gornik. Orbis Books, 2017.
[Note: Several chapters are specific to the stories of African Christianity. My paper copy is signed by Andrew Walls.]
Walls, Andrew F. The Missionary Movement in Christian History: Studies in the Transmission of Faith. Orbis Books / T & T Clark, 1996.
[Note: This is Christianity Today’s 1997 book of the year for its category. My paper copy is signed by Andrew Walls. Several chapters are specific to the stories of African Christianity.]
Waweru, Humphrey. The Bible and African Culture: Mapping Transactional Inroads. Zapf Chancery / African Books Collective, 2012.
West, Gerald O. and Musa Dube, eds. The Bible in Africa: Transactions, Trajectories, and Trends. Brill, 2000, 2001.
Wild-Wood, Emma. Migration and Christian Identity in Congo (DRC). Leiden: Brill, 2008.
Yuar, Francis Ayul. Reconciling ATR with Christianity: Why is it hard to transform lives? Discipleship Press, 2016.
(NB: “ATR” refers to “African Traditional Religions.”)