East African ethnography and linguistics

General East African ethnographies

Aguilar, Mario I., ed. The Politics of Age and Gerontocracy in Africa: Ethnographies of the Past & Memories of the Present. Asmara, Eritrea and Trenton, New Jersey: Africa World Press, 1998.

Anderson, David M. and Vigdis Broch-Due, eds. The Poor Are Not Us: Poverty and Pastoralism in Eastern Africa. Eastern African Studies. Athens, Ohio: Ohio University Press, 2000.

Anderson, David M. and Douglas H. Johnson. “Diviners, Seers and Prophets in Eastern Africa.” Africa 61/3 (1991): 293–399.

Anderson, David M. and Douglas H. Johnson, eds. Revealing Prophets: Prophecy in Eastern African History. East African Studies. Athens, Ohio: Ohio University Press, 1995.

Bell, Duran. “Defining Marriage and Legitimacy.” Current Anthropology 38/2 (1997): 237-253.

Bowie, Fiona, ed. Cross-Cultural Approaches to Adoption. European Association of Social Anthropologists. New York: Routledge, 2004.

Fratkin, Elliot and J. Terrence McCabe. “East African Pastoralism at the Crossroads: An Introduction.” Nomadic Peoples, New Series 3/2 (1999): 5–15.

Fratkin, Elliot and Eric Abella Roth, eds. As Pastoralists Settle: Social, Health, and Economic Consequences of Pastoral Sedentarization in Marsabit District, Kenya. Studies in Human Ecology and Adaptation. New York: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2004.

Grosz-Ngaté, Maria and Omar H. Kokole, eds. Gendered Encounters: Challenging Cultural Boundaries and Social Hierarchies in Africa. New York: Routledge, 1997.

Herrera, Fernando Aguirre.  Pastoral Conflict in the Horn of Africa:  The Turkana-Dassenech Case.  Nairobi:  Paulines Publications Africa, 2013.

Hodgson, Dorothy Louise, ed. Rethinking Pastoralism in Africa: Gender, Culture & the Myth of the Patriarchal Pastoralist. Oxford: James Currey, 2000.

Pálsson, Gísli, ed. From water to world-making: African models and arid lands. Uppsala: Nordiska Afrikainstitutet / The Scandinavian Institute of African Studies, 1990.

Sobania, Neal W. Culture and Customs of Kenya. Culture and Customs of Africa. Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press, 2003.

Unwin, J. D. [Joseph Daniel]. Sex and Culture. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1934 / London: Humphrey Milford, 1934.

Agĩkũyũ people / Gĩkũyũ language (Kikuyu)

Adam, Michel. 1997. “Espace et temps chez les Kikuyu du Kenya.” L’Homme 37/142: 33–48.

Bottignole, Silvana. Kikuyu Traditional Culture and Christianity. Nairobi: Heinemann Educational Books, 1984. (First published in Italian as Una Chiesa Africana si Interroga: Cultura tradizionale Kikuyo e Cristianesimo. Brescia, Italy: Editrice Morcelliana, 1981.)

Kenyatta, Jomo. Facing Mount Kenya: The traditional life of the Gikuyu. London: Mercury Books, 1961. (Previously published by Secker & Warburg, 1938.)

Kibicho, Samuel G. “The continuity of the African conception of God into and through Christianity: a Kikuyu case-study.” In Christianity in Independent Africa, edited by Edward Fasholé-Luke, Richard Gray, Adrian Hastings, and Godwin Tasie, 371–388. London: Rex Collings, 1975.

Kinoti, Hannah Wangeci. African Ethics: Gĩkũyũ Traditional Morality. Edited by G. Wakuraya Wanjohi with Gerald J. Wanjohi. Studies in Intercultural Philosophy 19. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2010.

Lawren, William L. “Masai and Kikuyu: An Historical Analysis of Culture Transmission.” The Journal of African History 9/4 (1968): 571–583.

Lonsdale, John. “Kikuyu Christianities: A History of Intimate Diversity.” Chapter 6 in Christianity and the African Imagination: Studies in Honour of Adrian Hastings, edited bt David Maxwell with Ingrid Lawrie, 157–197. Studies of Religion in Africa. Leiden: Brill, 2002.

Mbua, Abigael Wangari. “The Kikuyu Conceptualization of Adoption: A Cognitive Grammar Approach.” Impact: Journal of Transformation 1/1 (2018): 90–121.

Sandgren, David P. Christianity and the Kikuyu: Religions Divisions and Social Conflict. American University Studies, Series IX History 45. New York: Peter Lang, 2000.

Wanjohi, Gerard Joseph. English–Gĩkũyũ: Gĩkũyũ–English: Vocabulary and Usage. Nairobi: Nyatũrĩma Publications, 2006.

Wanjohi, Gerald Joseph. Under One Roof: Gikuyu Proverbs Consolidated. Nairobi: Paulines Publications Africa, 2001.

Wanjohi, Gerald Joseph. The Wisdom and Philosophy of African Proverbs: The Gikuyu World-view. Revised edition. Nairobi: Nyatũrĩma Publications, 2008.

Kalenjin/Kipsigis culture

Fish, Burnette C. and Gerald W. Fish. The Kalenjiin Heritage: Traditional Religious and Social Practices. Kericho, Kenya: Africa Gospel Church; Pasedena, California: William Carey Library, 1996.
[NB:  This includes a some observations on Kalenjin/Kipsigis language and vocabulary.]

kiSwahili language / WaSwahili people

Deen, Kamil Ud. The Acquisition of Swahili. Language Acquisition and Language Disorders 40. Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 2005.

Frankl, P. J. L. “The Word for ‘God’ in Swahili: Further Considerations.” Journal of Religion in Africa 25/2 (1995): 202-211.

Haddon, Ernest B. Learn Swahili For English Speakers: Swahili Lessons. New York: Saphrograph, 1981.

Kim, Caleb Chul-Soo. Islam Among the Swahili in East Africa. 2nd edition. Nairobi: Acton Publishers, 2016.

Mbotela, Walter. Jifunze Kiswahili: Swahili Basic Course. Vol. 1. Nairobi: Vipopremo Agencies, 1977.

Ngonyani, Deo S. “Pairwise Combinations of Swahili Applicative with other Verb Extensions.” Nordic Journal of African Studies 25/1 (2016): 52–71.

Pawliková-Vilhanová, Viera. “Biblical Translations of Early Missionaries in East and Central Africa. I. Translations into Swahili.” Asian and African Studies 15/1 (2006): 80–89.

Safari, J. F. Swahili Made Easy: A Beginner’s Complete Course. Dar es Salaam, Tanzania: Mkuki Na Nyota Publishers, 2012.

A Standard English-Swahili Dictionary. Nairobi: Oxford University Press, 1939.

Russell, Joan. Swahili. Teach Yourself. London: Hodder Education, 2003.

Wilson, Peter M. Simplified Swahili. New edition. Essex, England: Pearson Education, 1985.

Turkana people / NgaTurkana language

Abibilia Ngakiro Naajokak. The Bible in Turkana. Nairobi: The Bible Society of Kenya, 2001.

Barrett, A. [Anthony J.] English Turkana Dictionary. Nairobi: MacMillan Kenya, 1988.

Barrett, A. [Anthony J.] Turkana English Dictionary. London: MacMillan Education, 1990.

Barrett, Anthony J. Turkana Iconography: Desert Nomads and Their Symbols. Symbols, Rituals, Myths. Kijabe, Kenya: Kijabe Printing Press, 1997.

Barton, Juxon. “Turkana Grammatical Notes and Vocabulary.” Bulletin of the School of Oriental Studies, University of London 2/1 (1921): 43–73.

Broch-Due, Vigdis. “Cattle are Companions, Goats are Gifts: Animals and People in Turkana Thought.” Chapter 3 in From water to world-making: African models and arid lands, edited by Gísli Pálsson, 39–58. Uppsala: Nordiska Afrikainstitutet / The Scandinavian Institute of African Studies, 1990.

Broch-Due, Vigdis. “The Fertility of Houses & Herds: Producing Kinship & Gender among Turkana Pastoralists.” Chapter 7 in Rethinking Pastoralism in Africa: Gender, Culture & the Myth of the Patriarchal Pastoralist, edited by Dorothy L. Hodgson, 165–185. Oxford: James Currey, 2000.

Broch-Due, Vigdis. “Remembered Cattle, Forgotten People: The Morality of Exchange & the Exclusion of the Turkana Poor.” Chapter 3 in The Poor Are Not Us: Poverty and Pastoralism in Eastern Africa, edited by David M. Anderson and Vigdis Broch-Due, 50–88. Eastern African Studies. Athens, Ohio: Ohio University Press, 2000.

Broch-Due, Vigdis and Todd Sanders. “Rich Man, Poor Man, Administrator, Beast: The Politics of impoverishment in Turkana, Kenya, 1890–1990.” Nomadic Peoples, New Series 3/2 East African Pastoralism at the Crossroads (1999): 35–55.

Dimmendaal, Gerrit Jan. “The Turkana Language.” DLitt. Dissertation. Leiden: Rijksuniversiteit, 1982.

Donovan, Alan. “Turkana Functional Art.” African Arts 21/3 (1988): 44–47.

Dyson-Hudson Rada, Dominique Meekers, and Neville Dyson-Hudson. “Children of the Dancing Ground, Children of the House: Costs and Benefits of Marriage Rules (South Turkana, Kenya).” Journal of Anthropological Research 54/1 (1998): 19–47.

Gulliver, P. H. “The Turkana Age Organization.” American Anthropologist, New Series 60/5 (1958): 900–922.

Holland, Killion. Turkana Grammar: Basic Language Course. Nairobi: Paulines Publications Africa, 2013.

Lamphear, John.  “Aspects of ‘Becoming Turkana’:  Interactions & Assimilation Between Maa- & Ateker-Speakers.”  Chapter 4 in Being Maasai, edited by Thomas Spear and Richard Waller, 87–104.  Eastern African Studies.  Nairobi:  East African Educational Publishers, 1993.

Lamphear, John.  “The People of the Grey Bull:  The Origin and Expansion of the Turkana.” The Journal of African History 29/1 (1988): 27–39.

Lamphear, John.  The Scattering Time:  Turkana Responses to Colonial Rule.  Oxford Studies in African Affairs.  Oxford:  Clarendon Press, 1992.

Lokitare, Ignatius. Turkana Language Learning Course. 2nd edition. Nairobi: Paulines Publications Africa, 2018.

Robbins, M. E. and L. H. Robbins. “A Note on Turkana Dancing.” Ethnomusicology 15/2 (1971): 231–235.

Stoks, Hans. “Louange de l’autre par la louange de soi chez les Maasaï et chez les Turkana.” In Loué Soit Je: Pratiques de l’autolouange pour tous, edited by Maris Milis, 257–262. Villeneuve-en-Perseigne, France: Le Grand Souffle, 2016.

Vermi, Mario. Turkana Dictionary: Turkana – English and English – Turkana. Lodwar:  Nakwamekwi Catholic Church, 2006.