2013–2017: An Overview

Successes and failures and ongoing challenges. During our first eleven years in Kenya, we’ve seen our share in each of these categories. In this update, we want to share with you some of our key successes from our third term (2014-2017) as we continue to work with our support partners in the work of expanding Christ’s Kingdom in Kenya.

To learn more, read our August 2018 update here.

new church plant: Oltarakwai CCC

new church plant:  Oltarakwai CCC — 2018 June 10th
photo credit: Thomas ole Pesi

chewin’ the news

What’s not to smile about?

For some of our latest news, please read our October newsletter (.pdf format, with more pictures).

Note:  the update should be printed on legal size, rather than standard, paper.  If you need to print a copy, let us know and we can share a version with larger resolution images.

Calvince Ochieng, elder of the CCC congregation in the Raila community in the Kibera slum, with a copy of “Kujilisha” (at our home in Matasia)

2014 Ministry Update

We missionaries are often asked to describe our typical day.  That may be the hardest question we’re ever asked.    We tend to have multiple responsibilities in multiple locations and vocational ministry can be full of surprises. But we do understand why the question is asked.  So since it has been awhile since we’ve shared a general ministry summary about our day-to-day and month-to-month work, we thought it might be helpful to some of you for us to do that.  So if you’re interested, please read our update here.

Mainosa! Tunakula! Let’s Eat!

The rough draft of the Swahili adaptation / translation of our Enkinosata Ororei le Nkai (“Eating the Word of God”) curriculum has been finished.  On February 16th, I went to Narok to meet with our editorial committee.  We were able to work through a number of important issues.  I am particularly excited because the adaptation of this project was begun at the initiative of the leaders of our CCC congregation in Narok town.  It is also wonderful that my five christian brothers working on this with me represent four different tribes (Maasai, Kisii, Kamba, Meru).

Let's eat the Word of God -- in any language!

L-R: Joshua, David Kamunyu (Meru), Matthew Ngomo (Kamba), Daniel ole Denkel (Maasai), Samson ole Dikirr (Maasai). Not pictured (taking the picture): Elijah Ombati (Kisii)

This curriculum has not yet been taught in the Narok congregation because, being a multi-tribal congregation, Swahili is usually used rather than Maa.  But as they have gone through the material, this group of leaders has been greatly encouraged by it and are excited about the potential it has to make a great impact on the maturity and growth of the church.  This is especially true as the CCC is expanding across tribal boundaries.  So, let’s eat!  (Mainosa – “let’s eat” in Maa; Tunakula – “we eat” in Swahili)

Speaking of eating, Alitzah and Hannah Gail really wanted to come with me on this trip.  While I was in this meeting, they were at the Ombatis’ house playing with their two daughters.  After the meeting, they ran errands around town with me.  (One of those errands involved making arrangements with a brand new christian bookshop to distribute our Maa language materials.)  At the end of a long day, they were very hungry and happy for me to take them out for a Daddy-Daughters date at their favorite “hoteli” – Kim’s Dishes – for some traditional Kenyan fare.


Happy Epiphany

Today is January 6, the day which the Church traditionally observes as “Epiphany,” the “Revealing” of Christ to the Gentiles.  So yesterday was the 12th day of Christmas and this is the day we should sing “We Three Kings” and the day when the ancient church liturgies would read the verses about the baptism of Jesus.

Today is also the day when we finally have a new update ready:  click here to download a PDF of our January 2012 newsletter.

Discipling Teachers (update)

some encouragement:

One of our co-workers is Ellen Ombati, a missionary with NMSI.  She and Ruth are collaborating on a new story-based children’s curriculum and have previously worked together with sunday school teacher’s training.  Ellen also works with some of the mamas at Nasha’s Creations.  Here’s an excerpt from an email Ellen sent us recently:

The mamas told me each of the three stories that were told in Sunday School the past three weeks.  These were taught by the Sunday School teachers there!  They told me what the kids did, the songs they learned and even that the kids were coming home preaching to their dad … .  There are still some who are not very sure how to teach, but have the right heart for God and for the kids.

Earlier, Ellen had told us that some of the men who teach have been practicing reading scripture aloud so they can read fluently instead of haltingly.  We spent a lot of time talking about the importance of that at the seminar at the Narok congregation on October 11.

It sounds like some of the seeds we’ve been sowing have been sprouting and are starting to bear fruit!

Discipling Teachers

The sunday school teacher’s training on October 1st went well.  Go to our photo albums page for the link to some pictures.

Yesterday I was able to lead a teachers’ training session for the teachers of the Narok Community Christian Church.  They want to implement the “Eating the Word of God” lessons.  The time went really well, after a typical Kenyan late start.  I have hopes that the lessons will be taught in this congregation, which will serve to strengthen that whole cluster of churches.  We should include more about both of these trainings in our next update (for those of you on our list).  For now, here’s a picture:

teachers' training: Eating the Word of God

Back row, L-R: John Saitet, Joshua, Isak, Jim Kipees, Moses. Front row, L-R: Veronica (with child), Josephine, Rael, Purity, Walter