A vision for the Rendille

Today starts a week-long vision trip (Aug 24-31) for five leaders from Community Christian Mission Agency (CCMA) to the Rendille area of Kenya.  CCMA is considering this area as its possible first disciple-making outreach.  The Rendille, who live in northeastern Kenya more or less between the Samburu and the Somali, are less than 1% Christian.  Stephen Silamo, one of the CCMA leaders, is himself a Rendille believer who has a heart for his people.  Pray for safety in travel, open hearts/minds to hear God’s leading, and God to be glorified.

(Thanks to our teammate Kim Cluff for reminding me that this trip starts this week.)

August update

TBTI class, May 2012: morning worshipThe power of stories, a TBTI course, a Story-telling workshop, a new church plant & baptisms …

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The picture is of part of the TBTI class in May 2012. Each morning we started with worship. For some reason or another I couldn’t add a caption today.  Visit our Video page for a clip of this worship.