two more churches …

Jackson Meing'ati, one of the pastors of congregation at Ewaso Ng'iro

Jackson Meing'ati with Zerachiah

Our friend and co-worker, Jackson Meing’ati, came over today to drink shaai (tea with milk and sugar, or honey, in this case) and “chew the news.”  Zerachiah, who hadn’t met him yet, quickly made friends!

We discussed the implementation of the Enkinosata Ororei Le Nkai curriculum in the Maasai churches.  He also told me that the Ewaso Ng’iro congregation has just recently planted two new churches!  I think that brings the count of CCC congregations up to 144 among the Maasai, Turkana and Samburu (not counting numerous other church plants that are still “in progress”).

Maisisi Olaitoriani!  Let us praise the Lord!

New Birth

death: crucified and buried with Jesus

At church today we had seven baptisms.  While the new beginning and new birth of baptism is always exciting, this baptismal service was particularly special, for two reasons.  First of all, there were four different tribal groups represented:  Maasai, Kikuyu,  Luyha, Kisii.  What a wonderful foretaste of heaven!  Just three years ago, Narok was on the brink of a couple of months of terrible inter-tribal violence during the post-election crisis in 2007-08.  Today, at least in this place, representatives of enemy tribes have been brought together in Christ.

new birth: raised to walk in the resurrection life of Christ our Lord

Secondly, all of those baptized were youth between the ages of 15-18.  And I think without exception these youth came from member families.  While it is always delightful to witness the coming to Christ of people from completely outside the Church, we have often seen faithful believers mourn that their children are not choosing to become followers of the Way.  What a blessing when parents are able to share the good news with their children!

Of course, we must remember that as with all life, the birth is just the beginning.  Pray that these new believers will grow into mature disciples of our Lord.