2014 Ministry Update

We missionaries are often asked to describe our typical day.  That may be the hardest question we’re ever asked.    We tend to have multiple responsibilities in multiple locations and vocational ministry can be full of surprises. But we do understand why the question is asked.  So since it has been awhile since we’ve shared a general ministry summary about our day-to-day and month-to-month work, we thought it might be helpful to some of you for us to do that.  So if you’re interested, please read our update here.

Moloi Nkurma

On our way to Olepishet (all seven of us) for the DTS graduation this past weekend, we stayed the night at the CCC / CMF training center in Ewaso Ng’iro.  While there, we had an opportunity to meet with Moloi ole Nkurma, our brother in the Lord and one of our three primary co-workers for our children’s curriculum development projects.  (The others are Jackson La Sang’urukuri, a Samburu, and Harrison Kyalo, a Kamba; Moloi is Maasai.)  He is currently working on a Masters’ degree in child development and truly has a heart for the children of Kenya.  His day job is as a teacher of the children in some of the programs at the center.

He is currently on sick leave, however, from his work and his studies.  At first he was diagnosed with anemia, but no treatments seemed to help.  A week or so ago, he had a colonoscopy, and the doctors found some sort of problem.  On May 27th, he will be checking into the Tenwick Hospital for some type of surgery.  Please pray not only for our work together, but also pray for the restored health of this faithful ministry partner.

Elijah Moloi ole Nkurma

Elijah Moloi ole Nkurma has three children. Here he is with David, who is four, just like our son Zerachiah, who was impressed that his new friend had the same name (was a “paarna” with) as that David who slew Goliath.

Home & Homesick

We’ve been “home” in America since April … and consequently, we are homesick for our home and life in Kenya.  Being able to reconnect with family and supporters has been great, but we also miss our life and work in Kenya.

To read more of our adventures, both stateside and in Kenya, see our latest update.


Oh, the mailed update included a nifty fridge magnet.  So if you’re on our mailing list, start checking your mailboxes later this week.  For the rest of you, here’s a digital copy.

Discipling Teachers (update)

some encouragement:

One of our co-workers is Ellen Ombati, a missionary with NMSI.  She and Ruth are collaborating on a new story-based children’s curriculum and have previously worked together with sunday school teacher’s training.  Ellen also works with some of the mamas at Nasha’s Creations.  Here’s an excerpt from an email Ellen sent us recently:

The mamas told me each of the three stories that were told in Sunday School the past three weeks.  These were taught by the Sunday School teachers there!  They told me what the kids did, the songs they learned and even that the kids were coming home preaching to their dad … .  There are still some who are not very sure how to teach, but have the right heart for God and for the kids.

Earlier, Ellen had told us that some of the men who teach have been practicing reading scripture aloud so they can read fluently instead of haltingly.  We spent a lot of time talking about the importance of that at the seminar at the Narok congregation on October 11.

It sounds like some of the seeds we’ve been sowing have been sprouting and are starting to bear fruit!

Discipling Teachers

The sunday school teacher’s training on October 1st went well.  Go to our photo albums page for the link to some pictures.

Yesterday I was able to lead a teachers’ training session for the teachers of the Narok Community Christian Church.  They want to implement the “Eating the Word of God” lessons.  The time went really well, after a typical Kenyan late start.  I have hopes that the lessons will be taught in this congregation, which will serve to strengthen that whole cluster of churches.  We should include more about both of these trainings in our next update (for those of you on our list).  For now, here’s a picture:

teachers' training: Eating the Word of God

Back row, L-R: John Saitet, Joshua, Isak, Jim Kipees, Moses. Front row, L-R: Veronica (with child), Josephine, Rael, Purity, Walter

August update

Maasai Women's MinistryA new house, curriculum development, training sunday school teachers for the Maasai churches, a special visitor from America …

click here to view a PDF of our latest newsletter.

We’ve  posted some new pictures of the Maasai Women’s Ministry on our photo album page.

Have you ever wondered just where we live?  Take a bird’s eye view of the places we’ve lived in Kenya, together with our major ministry sites.


Where in the World are the Barrons?

We have NOT just returned to Kenya …

Click here to download PDF of our February 2010 newsletter.

When people are interested in learning about our life as missionaries, my favorite question is “Describe a typical day.”  That request always makes me smile, because sometimes we would really like to have the predictability of having “typical” days.  The Scottish poet Robert Burns pessimistically observed that “the best laid plans of mice and men / often go astray.”  But biblically, we know that “In his heart a man plans his course, but the LORD determines his steps” (Proverbs 33:11).  In other words, thank God that his planning is best!