This is where we park various academic bibliographies:
(under construction)
- African Christianity — contemporary African Christianity, African Christian Theology, African Hermeneutics, African Missiology, etc.
- African Christian History — histories of African Christianity and history of missions in Africa
- All things Maasai, Kenya, and Tanzania
- Maa language (Maa and Sampurr/Samburu)
- Maasai & Samburu ethnography and history (including Christian history)
- Maasai literature (fiction by a Maasai writer depicting Maasai culture)
- Other East African ethnography and linguistics (general, Kalenjin, Kikuyu, Swahili, Turkana)
- Andrew F. Walls may be the most important person to read if you are interested in missions, missiology, missions history, World Christianity, or the role of African Christianity within World Christianity.
- Christian History
- Missions: Missiology, Missions Praxis, Missions History, Missionary Biographies
- World Christianity (Christianity is, and has always been, polycentric and multicultural and multiethnic. But traditional Euro-American scholarship treated studies of Christianity and Christian histories as though Christianity were an ethnic faith belonging only to Euro-American traditions. The (multidisciplinary) academic discipline of World Christianity aims to restore balance, studying Christianity across cultures, history, and geographies.)
- Traumatology: Recovering from Trauma and Abuse