Traumatology: Recovering from Trauma and Abuse


Arterburn, Stephen and Becky Johnson.  Understanding and Loving a Person with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder:  Biblical and Practical Wisdom to Build Empathy, Preserve Boundaries, and Show Compassion.  David C. Cook, 2018.

Brauns, Chris.  Unpacking Forgiveness:  Biblical Answers for Complex Questions and Deep Wounds.  Crossway, 2008.

Cloud, Henry and John Townsend.  Boundaries:  When to Say Yes, How to Say No.  Zondervan, 2008.

DeGroat, Chuck.  When Narcissism Comes to Church:  Healing Your Community From Emotional and Spiritual Abuse.  Forward by Richard J. Mouw.  IVP, 2020.

Groenewald, Alphonso.  “‘Trauma is Suffering that Remains’:  The Contribution of Trauma Studies to Prophetic Studies.”   Acta Theologica 26/Supplement (2018):  88–102.

Herman, Judith.  Trauma and Recovery:  The Aftermath of Violence — From Domestic Abuse to Political Terror.  Basic Books, 2015.

van der Kolk, Bessel A.  The Body Keeps Score:  Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma.  Penguin, 2014.

Levine, Peter A.  Healing Trauma:  A Pioneering Program for Restoring the Wisdom of Your Body.  Sounds True, 2008.

Maier, Byran. Forgiveness and Justice:  A Christian Approach.  Kregel Publications, 2017.  (See our book review here.)

McKnight, Scot and Laura Barringer.  A Church Called Tov:  Forming a Goodness Culture That Resists Abuses of Power and Promotes Healing.  Forward by Tish Harrison Warren.  Tyndale Momentum, 2020.

Nel, Marius J., Dion A. Forster, and Christo H. Thesnaar, eds.  Reconciliation, Forgiveness and Violence in Africa:  Biblical, Pastoral and Ethical Perspectives.  Beyers Naudé Centre Series on Public Theology.  Cape Town, South Africa:  Sun Press, 2020.

Oakley, Lisa and Justin Humphreys.  Escaping the Maze of Spiritual Abuse:  Creating Healthy Christian Cultures.  SPCK Publishing, 2019.

Schaefer, Frauke C. and Charles A. Schaefer, eds.  Trauma & Resilience:  A Handbook:  Effectively Supporting Those Who Serve God.  Condeo Press, 2012.

Walker, Pete.  Complex PTSD:  From Surviving to Thriving:  A Guide and Map for Recovering from Childhood Trauma. An Azure Coyote Book, 2013.

Warner, Megan, Christopher Southgate, Carla A. Grosch-Miller, and Hilary Ison, eds.  Tragedies and Christian Congregations:  The Practical Theology of Trauma. Explorations in Practical, Pastoral and Empirical Theology. Routledge, 2020.