Contact Us


Our mailing address for Postal Services:

Joshua & Ruth Barron
PO Box 3117
00502 Karen
Nairobi, KENYA
East Africa


Or you can call us!  Our phone numbers:

(To direct dial from a landline in America, dial 011before the254and ignore the “+“)


For those of you interested in communicating through an internet chat service, or in receiving our updates (snail mail newsletters and/or email updates), just send send us an email to let us know.


If you need to contact MissionStream, you can find their contact information here.


2 thoughts on “Contact Us

  1. Good morning from Tennessee. I am writing to let you know that I’m praying for you & your family. For immense wisdom, discernment, understanding & knowledge. For excellent timing. For protection and His astounding grace into everything your hands touch to do. I’m praying for His Kingdom to be released in great power and great strength within and without.
    Because He loves you all so much and He is so delighted with who you are and who you’ve chosen to become for His glory. Absolutely DELIGHTED WITH YOU!!!

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